When Esther Awovi Akafia came to Tottenham

The Founder and CEO of Pioneers International Academy, Esther Awovi Akafia visited Tottenham last month, visiting local schools, the iconic stadium and seeing the progress of the Haringey African Schools Partnership first-hand. By Omar Alleyne-Lawler, Communications and Police Engagement Manager Pioneers CEO, Esther Akafia visited London last month, spending time with Hope in Haringey andRead more

Hope in Haringey opens Christmas period with annual Community Carol Concert at LAET

Hope in Haringey celebrates a year of school engagement by opening the Christmas period with a Community Carol Concert – hosting more than 300 people at educational partner London Academy of Excellence, Tottenham. By Omar Alleyne-Lawler, Communications and Police Engagement Manager. Hope in Haringey’s annual Community Carol Concert at LAET opened the Christmas season forRead more

Hope in Haringey and local schools collaborate to create TRADE Photography Exhibition

Envisioned by Hope in Haringey’s Arts Projects Officer & Aseptic Studios Co-founder, Richard Dixon, TRADE saw 9 Haringey schools pair with businesses from across Haringey for a photography exhibition at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. Lining the halls of Tottenham Hotspurs East Atrium Lounge, the TRADE Photography Exhibition welcomed 400 attendees to the 2023 Haringey YouthRead more

Hope in Haringey’s 2023 Haringey Youth Summit celebrates Safety Security and Success

Co-sponsored by Hope in Haringey, the Bridge Renewal Trust and the Safer Neighbourhood Board Haringey, this year’s Haringey Youth Summit brought 400 local people to the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium to discuss ways they can be safe, secure, and successful in the borough. By Communications Manager, Omar Alleyne-Lawler The fourth Haringey Youth Summit was an action-packedRead more

Hope in Tottenham 2019 Youth Summit

HiT’s 2019 Youth Summit gives a voice to Haringey’s Young Talents & listens to their solutions. By Omar Alleyne-Lawler, Communications Intern Bringing schools, youth groups, police officers and community leaders together, the HiT Youth Summit was a celebration of local achievement and proactive thinking, hosted at the London Academy of Excellence and held in partnershipRead more