Resham Mirza


Safeguarding Trustee

Resham has dedicated more than three decades to education in both London and abroad. She served as Head Teacher at Tiverton Primary School in Tottenham- an area of high economic deprivation- for 17 years before retiring in August 2022.

Since retiring from Headship Resham has worked as an Elective Home Education Advisor with Haringey, strategically supporting both the Haringey EHE team and also the families who, for a range of reasons, have chosen to educate their children out of school. Following this, she is now an advocate for families who home-educate their children as well as supporting and advocating for children and families who are facing challenges in schools.

Resham also teaches ESOL classes and facilitates conversation classes for people from around the world who wish to improve their spoken and written English.

A qualified coach, Resham mentors a range of professionals to thrive and survive in the world of education, both in London and abroad.

As a Muslim woman of Pakistani heritage, Resham is engaged with both individuals and organisations to support women of colour to access and achieve recognition and success in their chosen fields, particularly those working in hostile environments.

As well as being on the board of Hope in Haringey, Resham also serves as a trustee of another local charity, Horizons.