The Young People at Risk Conference sought to bring voices from across the public, private and voluntary sector to hear about the work they do to challenge youth violence and harm. Hope in Haringey was on hand to discuss its Police Engagement Programme and how it aims to be a community bridge builder through a ‘mutual learning’ and ‘policing by consent’ platform.
By Omar Alleyne-Lawler, Communications and Police Engagement Manager
Invited to the conference by the Head of Youth Justice at Risk Strategy in Haringey Council, Matthew Knights; Hope in Haringey was asked to detail its unique approach to community bridge building through police engagement.
The session, which was shared with Assistant Director of Children’s Services at Haringey Council, Beverley Hendricks, focused on Stop and Search, Missing App and Police Engagement and would contribute to the Council’s second Youth at Risk strategy plan.
Addressing the topic of Police Engagement would be Omar Alleyne-Lawler. Reaffirming Hope in Haringey’s commitment to the enrichment, safety and well-being of Haringey’s young people, he outlined the programme’s aims of mutual learning and understanding so young people can build their confidence in the police.
Giving testimony of support for the programme would be ex-Haringey Borough and MPS Commander, Simon O’Brien, and Executive Principal of Harris Academy Tottenham, Nick Soar. As two of Hope in Haringey’s partners, their voices amplified the strategic importance of working together in a collaborative way.
Hope in Haringey’s focus on tackling youth violence is not purely police based either. Understanding that limited employment opportunities lead to criminal pathways, HiH’s Mentoring provisions were also on display at the conference.
Headed up by Mentoring Manager, Hannah Whitehead and Youth Officer, Rose Oruma; the two networked with leading figures in the public, private and voluntary sectors to the betterment of Haringey’s young people.